Thursday, 13 August 2009

Self Portrait

George loves taking photos. He decided to take some of himself

This is one that I took of him playing golf. He's swinging the club in the air and shouting "goal", so I don't think that he quite has the hang of it yet.

Friday, 7 August 2009


What do you do when the weather finally turns sunny again. You celebrate by blowing bubbles in the garden of course!

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Well I never

George ate pea soup this evening. My little non-eater asked to try my green soup with floaty bits, said it was yummy and polished off a bowl full. I have always offered him a taste of whatever is being prepared in the kitchen, and I do puree veg and hide it in his dinners so that he doesn't lose the taste for food that is good for him, but I am so pleased that he has been so unusually adventurous with his eating today. Whatever next!