Tuesday, 6 January 2009

The Poor Kids

I don't even like the word "kids", but in certain moments of stress, when our house looks like a bomb has hit and there are toys everywhere, I have more than once found myself telling George that if he doesn't pick his toys up I will give them to the poor kids. George being the person that he is, has asked a few more questions about "poor kids", such as where they live, what they eat, do they have toys and suchlike, but they have not been mentioned for a while.

Two weeks before Christmas, he came in from the hall and asked me "What are we sending the poor kids for Christmas then?". I asked if he had any idea what he wanted to send, but he didn't. I logged on to ActionAid's website, and read some of the items out to him. He chose to send a chicken so that a child could have eggs for breakfast, and he also chose some books for schoolchildren.

ActionAid's website does say that the money can also be used for whatever they see fit, but George has a lovely card of a small person holding a chicken. I am pleased that he thought of people with less than he has, even during the time when he was very excited about what Father Christmas may have been bringing for him. Actually, I was quite touched that he remembered.


  1. What a lovely thought! You are clearly doing all the right things for him if you are bringing him up to have such compassion for others - too many children are only concerned with what they are getting!

  2. Thanks. I do try to make him appreciate what he has.
