Tuesday, 21 April 2009

George is cross

We had a stroll around the pots and flowerbeds in the garden this evening as you do. George was entranced by the bluebells slowly opening their flowers into beautiful bell shapes.

He wasn't happy about the caterpillars though. He blamed the caterpillars for "munching the moobarb leaves". I've tried telling him that it's actually called rhubarb, but he's very stubborn, and I actually quite like "moobarb". The holes in the leaves are very small incidentally, but he was very cross and wants caterpillars banned from the garden!


  1. Hear hear! sensible lad! they should be banned lol! far from the veg garden anyhow :o)
    Gosh doesnt he look grown up in th easter bunny making photo,goodness it happens under our noses doesnt it,makes me feel giddy how fast time slips by
    GTM x x xx

  2. He is growing fast D, he'd love your two to play with. Have you seen our 1940's lino in the Happy Easter photos? It's at the very bottom of the stairs. As you're a "how many people have walked on that" kind of person just like me, I'll save you some when we replace it lol.
