Sunday, 19 April 2009

Somebody else's mother?

You know how when you reach a certain age you realise that you have the sayings and some of the actions of your mother? Well, George is turning into someone else's mother. Let me explain.

I broke open his second Easter egg yesterday. He hasn't finished the first yet, I think he just fancied a change. I put the entire egg and the buttons in a tub for him - he's not a big fan of chocolate, so I knew he wouldn't eat much.

With impeccable manners he first offered a piece to me. I asked for a small piece and received a piece the size of a fingernail. Serves me right. Next he offered his daddy a piece. His daddy is even less keen on chocolate than George, and refused the kind offer.

George thought about the refusal for a few seconds and then announced "Well if you want some later and it's all gone, don't come crying to me".

As "don't come crying to me" isn't a phrase that we use at home, I can only assume that he has acquired it from one of his nursery friends who has in turn acquired it from their mother......

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