Thursday, 9 July 2009


Really this story starts with my ipod - George wants one too. On Wednesday I bought myself a cd player for my bedroom as there are some cds that I wanted to listen to. As I also have an ipod, I bought an inexpensive player with an ipod docking station. George couldn't resist having a play with it, and Michael Jackson's "Earthsong" came on (the only MJ song that I have).

George asked who was singing and I told him. "But mum, you said Michael Jackson was dead" he replied (which was a relief as contrary to appearances it means he can actually hear what I'm saying). I explained about recording, and he started listening to the song.....which then led to a discussion on pollution, global warming, the melting of polar ice caps, no homes for polar bears etc.

He wants to go litter picking on the beach this weekend. He also asked what people were doing to save our planet so I mentioned "Friends of the Earth". He wants to join.....he is 4 years and 8 months old. I don't know if I should feel proud or just plain worried!


  1. Ahhhhhhhhh I am so glad you get to have those conversations too.

  2. Yaya! go George go! they are incredible at this age arent they,full of questions!
    GTM x x x
