Once I had removed the smallest fish, the biggest fish just stopped swimming. We have had them for three years, and for most of that time, they have been swimming side by side, constantly touching each other. Twelve hours after I removed his friend, the biggest fish was also dead.
Luckily, George is quite accepting of death and dying. We had a new tank, so it was cleaned and the water set up and ready. Twenty four hours later, with the water ready, neither of us could wait until Thursday (our first day off) for new fish, so we went to the shop tonight and came home with two tiny goldfish. I now realise exactly how much the others had grown! I'd like to show you the new fish, but they're a bit too fast moving just yet. Thay have also taken up opposite ends of the tank. I hope they make friends soon!
In memory of Bill and Suzy (whose name changed from Ben when she/he died), here is a picture of little George, many, many moons ago, and his first pets.
While I was looking for a "fish of the past" photo, I also found a very funny picture of George from when he was small which I thought you may like to see. Luckily, I have managed to teach him that standing on the table is a bad idea. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time.....the expression on his face says that he is up to no good.
Awww little George