Sunday 10 May 2009

A hard life

George's daddy has gone on a course today. He'll be gone for the week. I've just become
used to having an extra pair of hands to help with George, and fetch things if I'm busy. Tonight, just as I was climbing into the bath, George announced "I'm really thirsty and I don't suppose I'll get a drink now you're in the bath". Foolishly, I thought that I could solve the problem by telling George that his bedtime drink was on the side and he could drink that.

How wrong can you be? He had his drink and then said mournfully "Don't suppose I'll be getting anything to eat either". Poor child, it's a hard life for some! Given the size of the dinner that he ate earlier (pasta and meatballs), I didn't think he needed anything else, but I was obviously wrong. I managed to direct him to the small pack of cookies in our going out bag in the hall. I shall have to be more organised tomorrow.


  1. Poor poor George! If I want a bath I have to set Jack up with food, drink and TV.

  2. Honestly, if you'd seen what he ate for dinner, he shouldn't have had any room left. He ate his lunch too. He must be growing again.

  3. That'll be more new clothes then.
