Saturday 11 April 2009

Paddling Pool

The water obsession continues. I opened George's sand pit for the first time this year today. I wanted to weed and tidy the garden, and the only way to do it in peace is to let George play in the sand. Unfortunately the lid of his sand pit doubles as a paddling pool.

He had 2 buckets of water and a change of clothes before lunch, but I thought that I'd escaped a total water fest. Sadly after a break for lunch and after watching The Little Mermaid, the water thing started up again. By 2.30pm he had stripped off and was sitting in his half full paddling pool, complete with toy mermaids, whilst muggins here was on filling duty using the old nappy bucket and some warm water.


  1. Cute! I love watching my grandchildren play in water! I am planning summer fun already and can't wait until our Mother's Day to add a truck of dirt to the garden, plant the fairy-friendly posies, dress the girls in fairy dresses, and enjoy! I like the photos of wonderful, little George!

  2. Oh the good old mermaids. It was freezing this side of the pennines though yesterday so I can't believe he was in it. Brrrrr

  3. Pom Pom, George would love a fairy dress too. Tinkerbell is his favourite, although he really wants to be a mermaid.

    Sorry Jacksmummy, it's been warm and sunny here by the sea. I did fill it with warm water though.
