Friday, 23 October 2009
And so endeth this blog
Thanks to the RFA having individual email accounts, I managed to copy most of the blog to George's daddy as i wrote it, so he did get to see the final pages even though he didn't come home to us.
Take care all of you that have enjoyed watching George's progress since Christmas 2008.
Jayne x
Sunday, 11 October 2009
So far so good
George is being so brave. He had a postcard from his school saying that he made his school a better place this week by trying hard and being brave. He's also had 3 postcards off his daddy. I have put 2 away to keep them safe, but handed him the one that came on Friday. I told him that maybe his daddy wrote it before he died. George's answer was "No mummy, he's sent it from heaven".
I just hope that wherever George's daddy is, he's as proud of our little boy as I am. I'm sure he is. We love you Paul xxx
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
A sad week
I have told George the news, and he said "Mummy, daddy has broken my heart", then he cried for a little while, then he ate his tea.
I'm so proud of my brave little man, who has been to school today and keep hugging me. He has told me several times that he is sad that his daddy has died, but I just remind him that I love him most in the whole wide world, and that he and I still have each other.
My heart is broken too, but if anyone can help me through this it is my gorgeous little boy.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
His daddy asked if I cried the first morning. Well, truth to tell, I was so proud of him bouncing into the classroom and running to sit next to his friend B that I came out with a great big beaming smile on my face.
I'm not having much in the way of feedback from him, but luckily, I talk to some of the mums of his friends - ladies that I have come to know from George's nursery days. B told her mum when they had a French lesson, George told me that they had been put into groups, and so the sharing of information gives us all a better picture of what they are doing.
I'm just so pleased that he is enjoying this new experience.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
More Questions
G : What's a funeral procession mum?
M : It's when they take a person's dead body to that garden thing that you get when you're dead (we've explored the local cemetary).
G: (Sitting bolt upright) Are we going to go past it. Am I going to see a real dead body in a box
M : Yes, We're going to go past it because it's going a different way to us
G : Wow, mum, is there a real dead body in that box
M : Yes
Then the was a pause of about 30 seconds while he had a think
G : Mum, if your body goes in the ground in a box, how do you get to heaven?
Me - insert complex explanation about soul leaving your body etc. I really do need to learn think. Chances are that he would have seen it anyway. A hearse is quite hard to miss.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Sunday, 6 September 2009
George however, took it all in his stride, and I think that the change from nursery to several different people did him good. He is all ready to start his new school routine tomorrow. He went to bed so excited that I'm surprised that he is asleep.
I hope that he has a good day tomorrow, and enjoys his first day of being a grown up schoolboy.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Friday, 7 August 2009
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Well I never
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
My Poor Baby
By 7:00am he was asking for cornflakes (no, he didn't have them, he was allowed small sips of water), by 8:00am he was asking for spaghetti (he didn't have that either, just more sips of water).
At 10:00am I allowed him 3 chocolate buttons, at 11:00am he had another 3. At 3:30pm, 9 hours after he was last sick, he was finally allowed the spaghetti. He ate it and asked what was next. Errm, nothing?
He was so good, didn't make a fuss about being sick, and I'm proud of him. He has been a bit whingy and clingy today, but he's only 4 after all and we had very little sleep last night. The bit that upset me was that even though George's daddy has been away since the 7th of June and is thousands of miles away, this morning was the first time that my brave little man cried and said he needed a snuggle off his daddy. Just about the only thing I couldn't fetch for him.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Old fish, Goodbye fish, new fish
Once I had removed the smallest fish, the biggest fish just stopped swimming. We have had them for three years, and for most of that time, they have been swimming side by side, constantly touching each other. Twelve hours after I removed his friend, the biggest fish was also dead.
Luckily, George is quite accepting of death and dying. We had a new tank, so it was cleaned and the water set up and ready. Twenty four hours later, with the water ready, neither of us could wait until Thursday (our first day off) for new fish, so we went to the shop tonight and came home with two tiny goldfish. I now realise exactly how much the others had grown! I'd like to show you the new fish, but they're a bit too fast moving just yet. Thay have also taken up opposite ends of the tank. I hope they make friends soon!
In memory of Bill and Suzy (whose name changed from Ben when she/he died), here is a picture of little George, many, many moons ago, and his first pets.
While I was looking for a "fish of the past" photo, I also found a very funny picture of George from when he was small which I thought you may like to see. Luckily, I have managed to teach him that standing on the table is a bad idea. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time.....the expression on his face says that he is up to no good.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Reading and writing
Friday, 17 July 2009
Moral support
Today he asked me to scan and copy a picture for him, so that we could cut out some characters for him to play with, but without ruining the original picture.
I have a new printer which I haven't used to scan and copy pictures with until today (I've had it less than a week). I told the boy that I would do my best to do as he'd asked.
"Give it all you've got mum" was his response. Four going on........forty?
Thursday, 9 July 2009
George asked who was singing and I told him. "But mum, you said Michael Jackson was dead" he replied (which was a relief as contrary to appearances it means he can actually hear what I'm saying). I explained about recording, and he started listening to the song.....which then led to a discussion on pollution, global warming, the melting of polar ice caps, no homes for polar bears etc.
He wants to go litter picking on the beach this weekend. He also asked what people were doing to save our planet so I mentioned "Friends of the Earth". He wants to join.....he is 4 years and 8 months old. I don't know if I should feel proud or just plain worried!
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Everything is growing
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Little Ted
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Big School
Monday, 8 June 2009
Such a sad day
I rang one of my friends who was pulling up at the nursery gates to collect her daughter as I called her. My friend offered to collect George there and then as I rushed out of the door at work. George stayed at his friend's house and I took his friend's baby brother for a walk while their mum did some of the jobs that were planned in the house. We also talked a lot and had coffee. Most of all, I think we just felt lucky. Lucky that our children were still sitting in front of us. Noisy, boisterous, busy, demanding, but most importantly, still alive.
My prayers and thoughts are with Daniel's mummy and daddy tonight. Sleep peacefully little man xxx
Sunday, 7 June 2009
The Man of the House
George is growing up so fast now. I have noticed this past two weeks or so, that we are no longer his mummy and daddy - mostly we are mum and dad. We haven't mentioned it to George, but it does show how big our boy is becoming.
Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Tatton Park
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Lazy Sunday Afternoons
The next step in a proper relaxing afternoon is to take a dip in your pool, which has been carefully filled by mummy, with warmish, not freezing cold water.
After you have had your swim and dried off, put your clothes back on, and settle down in mummy's comfy deckchair for an ice cream.
Later on, share a small snack with a friend, whilst demonstrating to your friend the art of relaxation.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Alton Towers
Friday, 15 May 2009
The one that got away.
When I returned, not two minutes later, George was standing exactly where I had left him. There was no sign of the spider. I asked him where it had gone. "No idea, I didn't see it go" was the answer.
I know that he's only four, but I honestly thought that he could watch a spider the size of a 50p piece for less than two minutes without losing it...
(p.s. I caught an even bigger spider in the downstairs toilet later the same night, so honour was restored!)
Monday, 11 May 2009
All work and no play
He then started moaning about not being to finish watching a programme on tv. Stomping up the path towards the car he announced "I've been waiting my whole life to watch Underground Ernie, and you won't let me".
Wow, he's been waiting his whole life! All four and a half years of it. He'll be waiting a bit longer too, as we have work and nursery again tomorrow and Wednesday. Heaven forbid that real life should interfere with tv watching.
I would ban the tv from our house if I could.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
A hard life
used to having an extra pair of hands to help with George, and fetch things if I'm busy. Tonight, just as I was climbing into the bath, George announced "I'm really thirsty and I don't suppose I'll get a drink now you're in the bath". Foolishly, I thought that I could solve the problem by telling George that his bedtime drink was on the side and he could drink that.
How wrong can you be? He had his drink and then said mournfully "Don't suppose I'll be getting anything to eat either". Poor child, it's a hard life for some! Given the size of the dinner that he ate earlier (pasta and meatballs), I didn't think he needed anything else, but I was obviously wrong. I managed to direct him to the small pack of cookies in our going out bag in the hall. I shall have to be more organised tomorrow.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
This morning's question
What could you need anyway, in the middle of the night that you might need to keep in your pockets? If I ever find out I'll post and let you know.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Growing up and leaving home
I then had a great idea and told George that as this house is so big, if he marries a kind lady, she can move in here and help with the housework, so he won't have to leave at all.
"That's a good idea" said the thinker. "You two could clean the house while me and daddy have a cup of tea".
At the age of 4 1/2, with a father who cooks (and cleans if I point him in the right direction), I have no idea where these grand ideas come from. I will do my best to correct him, but I think he may make a lovely ex-husband one day.......
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
George is cross
He wasn't happy about the caterpillars though. He blamed the caterpillars for "munching the moobarb leaves". I've tried telling him that it's actually called rhubarb, but he's very stubborn, and I actually quite like "moobarb". The holes in the leaves are very small incidentally, but he was very cross and wants caterpillars banned from the garden!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Somebody else's mother?
I broke open his second Easter egg yesterday. He hasn't finished the first yet, I think he just fancied a change. I put the entire egg and the buttons in a tub for him - he's not a big fan of chocolate, so I knew he wouldn't eat much.
With impeccable manners he first offered a piece to me. I asked for a small piece and received a piece the size of a fingernail. Serves me right. Next he offered his daddy a piece. His daddy is even less keen on chocolate than George, and refused the kind offer.
George thought about the refusal for a few seconds and then announced "Well if you want some later and it's all gone, don't come crying to me".
As "don't come crying to me" isn't a phrase that we use at home, I can only assume that he has acquired it from one of his nursery friends who has in turn acquired it from their mother......
Monday, 13 April 2009
Making a bunny
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Happy Easter
Happy Easter from George xxx
This is the start of the egg hunt. Baskets at the ready.
There's some here on the stairs and some more at the bottom
and here's George checking the end result. George isn't that interested in chocolate, so I have hidden the eggs that other people have bought for him (bad mummy moment) and he has ended up with a handful of Cadbury's mini eggs and a small Milky Bar shaker egg.
Luckily, he still managed to fit his cornflakes in. As it's such a beautiful morning, he had breakfast out in the garden today.
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Paddling Pool
He had 2 buckets of water and a change of clothes before lunch, but I thought that I'd escaped a total water fest. Sadly after a break for lunch and after watching The Little Mermaid, the water thing started up again. By 2.30pm he had stripped off and was sitting in his half full paddling pool, complete with toy mermaids, whilst muggins here was on filling duty using the old nappy bucket and some warm water.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
George and the boating lake
George wanted to move house and go and live in this magical place with so much water, and so many friendly ducks and rabbits!
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
George's holiday
There is a lot of wildlife around. This is George feeding his new friends. And these are George's new friends. We were very close to the lake, which George also found fascinating. Luckily he managed to stay out of the water.
Friday, 20 March 2009
Zoo trip
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
He was also pondering the subject of who will live in our house when we are dead. I suggested that maybe it will be his children. Apparently he is going to marry a kind lady and have five children. So far, so good.
Tonight he was also wondering what being dead feels like. There is a reason for this popular subject (very popular amongst his nursery friends) appearing on the agenda again. His friend B's hamster died last week. Bye bye Buddy hamster.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
A busy, busy day
He was very good and stuck to the limits that I gave him (no further than that house that way, that house the other way, and don't go on the road). He complained that his scooter had a squeaky wheel, but it was actually the perfect way to keep track of him.
After lunch George helped me to make cherry scones and chocolate brownies. He tasted the cherry scones which surprised me as he has always refused cherry scones so far, and pronounced them as being fine. He did prefer the brownies though.
George also helped me weed the garden. He has always helped me with the garden. The advantage this year is that he recognises the weeds, instead of just pulling the heads of everything.
It was such a busy, busy day that he asked to go to bed at 6.30pm. He'd already had his roast chicken dinner at 5pm, so there was no problem with an early night. He should certainly sleep well!
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Shoe painting
An interesting time was had, but George was a bit disappointed that his daddy wouldn't let him paint any of his trainers with the navy blue shoe polish. Life is hard when you're small.
Friday, 6 March 2009
The Purple Peril
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
A pizza this and a pizza that
Sunday, 1 March 2009
The Zoo
We saw elephants, camels and went into the new butterfly house. George was well behaved and we had a lovely day out.
This is George riding on the little elephant statue by the elephant enclosure.
This is a picture of George and his daddy outside the butterfly house. George's daddy finally came home on Monday, and George was very excited to see him.
Friday, 27 February 2009
The Sweet Smell of Success
George has had his eye on my perfume for some time. The tell tale signs have been questions such as "Can I hold your perfume bottle?" and "Please can I have some of your perfume?".
He finally snapped this week and advised me "Some people in this house have two bottles of perfume and some people have none. It's nice to share you know mum."
I found an old bottle of "Bugs Bunny" childrens perfume at the back of a drawer and handed it over. If I just say that we won't be needing any air freshener for some time to come, then you will probably have a fair impression of what it is like living here just now!
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Questions, questions
Luckily at 9am my friend came and took him off my hands for a few hours. By the time he came home, his parcel of Kinder egg jellyfish had arrived from ebay (the sealife obsession is alive and well), and he has played jellyfish games all afternoon.
Friday, 20 February 2009
A Grand Day Out
and this is George, lover of all things mermaid related, in the children's corner
George's other friend E who used to be his pre-school teacher had tea with us and some other friends last night. She has offered to look after George for a few hours tomorrow morning and take him out whilst I tidy up. I have jumped at the offer as living with George just now is like living with the speaking clock, but being unable to hang up. Luckily his daddy is home on Monday to share being talked to!
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Return of the sock
George has milk and cookies every morning downstairs while I get dressed. This morning when I came downstairs for the second time, George was sitting on the sofa with both of his feet in the one missing sock.
Monday, 16 February 2009
Sock puzzles
This evening George was watching tv in the tidiest room on his own. He wandered in to see me in the messy room, with his feet already bare, complaining that his feet were cold. I have just been to look for his socks, and can only find one.
Two weeks ago we lost a pair of George's socks in the same room. I still haven't found them. Maybe George is right and there really is a sock monster...
Sunday, 15 February 2009
A Funny Old Week
George has been slightly more rebellious than usual - understandable I reckon, and I haven't felt like taking him far in that kind of mood.
On Friday we visited Kidz Aloud again. George met a friend from nursery there. His friends mum was also pleased that her daughter had found a friend, and we ended up staying for four hours!
On Saturday we went to a birthday party. I can really see the diference in George now he's getting older and more confident. Six months ago he would have just clung to my leg whinging, but this time he joined in and had a really good time.
It's been a very mixed experience time for us - like I said, a funny old week.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Fast food and slow walks
Fast Food
Today we went to Burger King, as we do now and then. I believe in teaching small people to eat in company and how to behave themselves whilst doing so. George the non-eater usually just has chips and ketchup.
Today he asked for chicken nuggets and ate them . I was shocked, amazed, and pleased. Although it is not the sort of food that I would prefer him to eat, it proves that he is starting to try new foods. He has never eaten meat before whilst with me, although his nursery have reported him eating chicken twice.
Slow Walks
This evening at 6:30 pm he announced the he NEEDED to go for an evening walk. Never being one to refuse any reasonable request, I put his socks back on, encased him in wellie boots, a cardigan, a scarf, his hat and his coat, and we set off.
We did two circuits "round the block" which is about 10 minutes each circuit. We inspected the building site at one end and George was very excited to be out at night and equally pleased to see the moon.
We did the second circuit singing "If you're happy and you know it", but making up our own verses such as "If you're happy and you know it squidge your George" and "If you're happy and you know it walk along". He went straight to bed when we arrived home (after brushing his teeth), so the fresh sea air must have done him some good. I have to admit that I enjoyed it too. With his daddy away I don't go far in the evenings and it was good to stretch my legs and have some fun with George.
Incidentally, he has more than made up for his lack of food intake yesterday. He had cornflakes for breakfast, nuggets and chips for lunch, and cheesy mash and beans for dinner. In between he has had one home made fairy cake, 2 pieces of shortbread, a kit kat and probably at least a pint and a half of milk. The sniffing has stopped. Coincidence? I think not!
Thursday, 5 February 2009
A cold
I hope he's better soon. Apart from being a bit grumpier than usual, and the sniffing, there isn't much to show that he's ill. let's hope it stays that way.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Mr Caring
"I didn't ask her, but her nose isn't red any more mummy" was the reply. Now I know 4 year olds aren't renowned for their sympathy or empathy, but still. When George had flu just before Christmas (proper can't get off the sofa, fetch me carry me manflu), I was expected to dispense sympathy on a very regular basis. It's obviously a one way street.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
When he asks for one of those super soaker water thingies, I'm leaving home!
Monday, 2 February 2009
Pedal Power!
It's this one in the picture. I thought that having his weight above the pedals may help him finally realise what was supposed to be happening. Tonight, at the grand age of 4 years and 3 months, George finally pedalled his bike across the kitchen. He was so delighted and excited that he was jumping up and down on the spot afterwards. Yay for George the cyclist.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Little Ambitions
Monday, 26 January 2009
Carrots and bumps
He also came home from nursery bursting to tell me that he knew how to say Happy New Year in Chinese. He's just like a little sponge soaking up information.
George banged his head today because he was on the seesaw with his friend B who is a good eight inches taller than him and weighs a good deal more. She made him go up in the air and he just slid off and bumped his head. I've told him that it is a better idea if he only goes on the seesaw with people who are the same size as him. Apparently B was distraught because she'd hurt one of her best friends. Unfortunately George makes the same noise if he is cut and bleeding, or just slighly damaged, so I understand why the poor girl was so upset.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
When I arrive at his bedside I ask him what's the problem. He tells me that he has a sore eye. I suspect it's just an eyelash, and given the amateur dramatics taking place in front of me, it will be cried out soon. Sure enough, five minutes later I am sitting beside his bed, looking at him. He is looking at me, as I'm holding his hand. Then, "So mummy, how's it going?" he asked. It's one of his favourite questions just now - it makes him feel like he's looking after me while his daddy is away.
"Not that good just now George" was my answer. Well it was 4:10am! I suggested that he switch his musical nightlight on and go back to sleep. He rolled over and that was that. At 5:10am I was still awake. No wonder I'm always tired. If you asked him if he was awake in the night he would tell you he was fast asleep all night.....