Sunday 11 January 2009


I have read in some toddler books that a child will either be a mover or a talker. George didn't walk until he was 16 months old, has never climbed out of his cot or over a safety gate, and can't pedal his bike, but if there's one thing he is good at it's talking.

He starts talking virtually as soon as his eyes open in the morning, and carries on right until the end of the day, when I've put him to bed. As I go downstairs at night, I often hear "Have a nice day" being shouted down to me.

This week George has taken to asking me "So mummy, how's it going then?" a couple of times each day. I have no idea what he is checking for. He has also asked me what I want to be when I grow up. He tells me that he would like to be a shark doctor. For a little person, he certainly has some big ideas.


  1. How sweet :-) He sounds like such a nice little boy!

  2. Wow... for 16 months that is great!

    Happy blogging,

    Toddler Books

  3. George is certainly a talker! LOL
